Dr. Siddhivarn
General Dentist
Dr. Siddhivarn “Dr.Sidd” is a practicing dentist with over 25 years of experience and advanced degrees from four different countries.
Dr.Sidd first received his Doctor of Dental Surgery Degree from Chiang Mai University, where he later taught as a full time faculty professor. He went on to earn his Masters in Periodontology from Mahidol Universty, and a Ph.D in Oral Biology of North Carolina Dental School. During his time at North Carolina Dental School, Dr.Sidd conducted research and authored two scientific papers which were published in the Journal of Periodontal Research.
After this, Dr.Sidd moved to Canada where he earned another Doctor of Dental Surgery Degree from Dalhousie University. Across Canada, Dr.Sidd enjoyed opportunities to serve remote communities in critical need of intensive dental health care. For many years, Dr.Sidd worked coast to coast, bringing dental care to the most remote areas of Canada.
In 2017, Dr.Sidd joined the Sun Dentistry team to provide the best dental services to patients in the Burnaby Area of Vancouver. At all times, Dr.Sidd strive to provide excellent patient care. When patients come into our office in high anxiety, Dr.Sidd always has a way to reassure them calmly, and help our patients to have the best experience.
Dr. Siddhivarn speaks English and Thai